Importation of used EVs from Europe and Asia is probably going to accelerate the adoption of electric cars in Africa.
By the end of last year, UK, Sweden, Norway, France, and Germany had reported increased sales of electric vehicles. Norway is at the top with a market share of 87.1% plug-in electric vehicles.
This also means the penetration of EVs on the resale market is growing.
Many of the second-hand vehicles are exported to Africa since the majority of Africa’s prospective buyers can’t afford a brand new vehicle.
The importation of used vehicles is also influenced by financing and leasing options which are not widely available, and not as developed in most Sub-Saharan markets outside South Africa.
However, there are calls to curb the influx of used ICE vehicles and many countries have imposed the ‘age limit’ for vehicles to be imported. Like in Kenya, only vehicles that are below 8years from the date of manufacture can be imported.
Some stakeholders feel that a total ban is placed on the importation of used ICE vehicles in order to cut emissions and accelerate the adoption of EVs while others feel the age cap for the importation of used ICE should be lowered to 5years.
Used car dealers have already begun stocking used EVs with some of them focusing only on plug-in vehicles.
Some EV enthusiasts have begun importing EVs into Kenya, one having imported Tesla Model X and the other 2019 VW eGolf.